Web Development Training in Madurai
4.9 15.2K+ Satisfied Learners
Covers Full-Stack Development using HTML , CSS/SASS , Javascript , PHP , Python , Java including topics such as Database Management, Server-side Scripting, Front-end Development, and Real-Time Application Features.

Web Develeopment Training in Madurai at eCareerpluz is the popular professional course which is the most preferred technologies to develop dynamic web and mobile applications. eCareerpluz is the best place to Learn Web Developer Course in Madurai, kpudur. e-Careerpluz provides Web Developer Course that helps you to master the art of building scalable web applications using the Web.
Our Best Web Developer Training makes you an Expert in Various Technologies like HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Java, MySQL, SQL, PostgreSQL, etc., Feel free to ask queries at +91 98433 09040
Highlights of Web Development Training
- Web Development training in Madurai at eCareerpluz assists to enhance the knowledge of concepts of Web Development framework, techniques and components to expertise with unique training with placement so receives the most positive reviews across the internet.
- Our Web Development Course in Madurai Syllabus is framed to acquire the skill set about Web Development framework suitable for both Beginners and Experienced Professionals from scratch.
- In Web Development training in Madurai, often aim to provide a solid foundation along with the ability to adapt to evolving technologies.
- We providing Comprehensive training covering both front-end and back-end development, along with database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
- Our Web Development Course in Madurai framed advanced course content with the entire latest trend by our Professional expert trainers who explains with detailed step by step explanation.
- Ensures unique training to acquire in built knowledge in Web Development framework using hands-on practices.
- Provides quality trainers to develop the skill set needed for the Web Development expert using training, projects, assessments, code review, doubt sessions and much more.
- Finally Our Web Development training in Madurai course assists with practical training in real time Web Development framework to become expert with all the necessary in built skills.
Raise your career with a Certificate in Web Development
Prepare for a career as a Web Developer with a comprehensive understanding of frameworks and database configurations, and a certification to verify your programming skills and knowledge.
- Overview of HTML and Web Technologies
- Understanding the role of HTML in web development
- Introduction to CSS and JavaScript
- Basic Structure of an HTML Document
- Doctype declaration
- Key elements: <html>, <head>, <body>
- Text Elements
- Headings, paragraphs, and formatting
- Lists (ordered, unordered, and definition)
- HTML Formatting Tags
- Empty Tags
- Tables and its Elements
- Favicons
- Hyperlinks
- Creating links with the <a> tag
- Understanding relative vs. absolute URLs
- Images
- Inserting images with the <img> tag
- Image attributes (src, alt, width, height)
- Html – Iframes
- Audio and Video
- Using <audio> and <video> elements
- Accessibility and controls for multimedia
- Form Basics
- Understanding <form> and its attributes
- Input types (text, email, password, etc.)
- Advanced Input Types
- HTML5 input types (date, range, color, etc.)
- Client-side validation with HTML5 attributes
- Submission Handling
- Overview of form submission methods (GET vs. POST)
- Semantic HTML5 Elements
- Importance of semantic elements (e.g., <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <article>, <section>)
- Html Block And Inline
- Canvas for Graphics
- Introduction to the <canvas> element for drawing
- Basic JavaScript for canvas manipulation
- Local Storage and Session Storage
- Using web storage APIs for data persistence
- Principles of Responsive Design
- Understanding mobile-first design
- Using media queries for layout adjustments
- Viewport Tag and Mobile Optimization
- Setting the viewport for mobile devices
- Web Accessibility Standards
- Importance of accessible design
- Implementing ARIA roles and attributes
- SEO Best Practices
- Semantic HTML for improved SEO
- Using appropriate tags and metadata
- HTML Editors and IDEs
- Overview of popular HTML editors (VS Code, Sublime Text)
- Version Control with Git
- Introduction to Git and GitHub for version control
- Basic commands for managing projects
- Building a Complete Web Page
- Integrating all learned skills into a single project
- Focus on layout, design, and interactivity
- Overview of CSS
- What is CSS, and how does it work with HTML
- Types of CSS (Inline, Internal, External)
- Basic Syntax
- Selectors, properties, and values
- Selector and its Types:
- Universal Selector (*)
- Element Selector
- Class Selector (.)
- ID Selector (#)
- Descendant Selector
- Child Selector (>)
- Adjacent Sibling Selector (+)
- General Sibling Selector (~)
- Colors and Fonts
- Using RGB, HEX, HSL for colors
- Applying fonts and Google Fonts
- CSS Box Model
- Margin, Border, Padding, and Content
- Advanced Selectors
- Attribute selectors, combinators (>, +, ~)
- Pseudo-Classes
- :hover, :nth-child(), :not()
- Pseudo-Elements
- ::before, ::after
- CSS Display Types
- block, inline, inline-block, none
- Positioning
- Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Sticky
- CSS Flexbox
- Creating flexible layouts
- Alignment with justify-content and align-items
- CSS Grid Layout
- Defining grids with rows and columns
- Grid areas and auto-placement
- Introduction to Responsive Design
- Principles and benefits
- Media Queries
- Using breakpoints for different screen sizes
- Example:
@media (max-width: 768px)
- Container Queries (New Feature)
- Adapting styles based on parent containers
- CSS Units for Responsiveness
- CSS Transitions
- Adding smooth changes on hover/focus
- Keyframe Animations
- Using
for complex animations - Animation properties (duration, timing function, delay)
- Using
- View Transition API
- New in 2024: Smooth page transitions
- CSS Variables (
)- Declaring reusable values (e.g., colors, fonts)
- Implementing light/dark themes with CSS variables
- CSS Nesting
- Writing cleaner, nested styles without preprocessors
- Optimizing Critical CSS
- Delivering only essential CSS during page load
- Minimizing Repaints and Reflows
- Using efficient selectors and avoiding heavy styles
- Hardware-Accelerated Properties
- Leveraging
for smooth animations
- Leveraging
- Objective: Build a fully responsive multi-page website that includes:
- A home page, about page, and contact form
- Layout using CSS Grid and Flexbox
- Theme switcher with CSS variables and layers
- Interactive animations and transitions
- Topics:
- Overview of JavaScript
- JavaScript in browsers vs. Node.js
- Setting up the development environment (VS Code, browser dev tools)
- Assignment:
- Set up a simple HTML page with a linked JavaScript file. Write a program that displays "Hello, World!" in the console.
- Topics:
- Variables (var, let, const)
- Data types (strings, numbers, booleans, objects, arrays)
- Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical)
- Assignment:
- Create a simple calculator that takes user input and performs basic arithmetic operations.
- Topics:
- Conditional statements (if, else, switch)
- Loops (for, while, do...while)
- Assignment:
- Write a program to find all prime numbers up to a given number using loops.
- Topics:
- Function declarations, expressions, and arrow functions
- Parameters and return values
- Scope and closures
- Assignment:
Create a
that accepts an array of numbers and returns the sum of the even numbers.
Create a
- Topics:
- Understanding objects and properties
- Constructor functions
- Assignment:
Create a simple
representing a car with properties like make, model, and year, and a method that returns a description of the car.
Create a simple
- Topics:
- Prototypal inheritance
- ES6 classes
- Inheritance and method overriding
- Assignment:
Refactor the
object into aclass
. Create a subclass for electric cars that adds a battery size property and overrides a method to include battery details.
Refactor the
- Topics:
- Creating and manipulating objects
- Array methods (
) - Understanding JSON
- Assignment:
- Build a simple contact book application that stores and displays contacts (name, phone, email) using an array of objects.
- Topics:
- Template literals
- Destructuring assignments
- Spread and rest operators
- Modules (
- Assignment:
- Refactor the contact book application to use ES6 modules, splitting functionality into separate files.
- Topics:
- Understanding callbacks
and error handlingAsync/await
- Assignment:
- Create a simple fetch application that retrieves data from a public API (e.g., JSONPlaceholder) and displays it on the page.
- Topics:
- Selecting and modifying DOM elements
- Event handling
- Form handling
- Assignment:
- Enhance the fetch application to include a search feature, allowing users to filter displayed data based on input.
- Topics:
- Using browser developer tools for debugging
- Common debugging techniques
- Topics:
- Bringing it all together
- Planning and building a small project
- Assignment:
Create a simple web application (e.g., a to-do list app) that incorporates all learned concepts:
- OOP principles (using
) - CRUD operations
- Local storage for data persistence
- Basic styling with
- OOP principles (using
Create a simple web application (e.g., a to-do list app) that incorporates all learned concepts:
- What is Bootstrap?
- Overview of Bootstrap 5 framework
- History and evolution (Bootstrap 3, 4, 5)
- Advantages: responsive design, speed, cross-browser compatibility
- Setting Up Bootstrap
- Adding Bootstrap via CDN
- Understanding Bootstrap files:
, andpopper.js
- Setting up Bootstrap locally using npm
- Introduction to Responsive Design
- What is mobile-first design?
- Media queries and breakpoints in Bootstrap
- Practical Assignment 1:
- Create a Simple Webpage:
- Include text, an image, and a link
- Ensure responsiveness across screen sizes
- Create a Simple Webpage:
- Understanding the Bootstrap Grid System
- The 12-column grid system in Bootstrap
- Introduction to containers:
- Using rows and columns for layouts
- Responsive Grid Layouts
- Creating layouts for various screen sizes
- Using classes like
- Using offsets and flex utilities for alignment
- Nesting Grids
- Multi-level layouts with nested columns
- Practical Assignment 2:
- Build a Two-Column Layout:
- Create a webpage with a two-column layout
- Ensure columns stack on smaller screens
- Add text in the left column and an image/sidebar in the right column
- Build a Two-Column Layout:
- Navigation Bars
- Create a navbar with links and a brand
- Make the navbar responsive using
- Add dropdown menus
- Buttons and Button Groups
- Types of buttons (primary, secondary, danger, etc.)
- Creating button groups and adjusting sizes
- Forms in Bootstrap
- Create forms with
, and controls - Include checkboxes, radio buttons, and select menus
- Implement form validation
- Create forms with
- Cards
- Create cards with images, text, and buttons
- Alerts
- Types of alerts (success, warning, danger)
- Create dismissible alerts
- Practical Assignment 3:
- Create a Contact Form with a Navbar:
- Include input fields for name, email, and message
- Add a submit button and success alert
- Include a responsive navbar
- Create a Contact Form with a Navbar:
- Spacing Utilities
- Margin and padding utilities (
.m-*, .p-*, .mt-*, .mb-*
) - Using spacing for layout control
- Margin and padding utilities (
- Typography Utilities
- Text alignment (
) - Font size and weight (
) - Text color utilities (
- Text alignment (
- Display Utilities
- Visibility control (
) - Responsive display classes
- Visibility control (
- Border and Border-Radius Utilities
- Applying borders and border-radius (
- Applying borders and border-radius (
- Background Utilities
- Adding background colors (
- Adding background colors (
- Practical Assignment 4:
- Create a Landing Page:
- Design a landing page with a hero section (heading, description, call-to-action button)
- Use spacing, text alignment, and background utilities
- Create a Landing Page:
- Using Breakpoints
- Understanding breakpoints: xs, sm, md, lg, xl, xxl
- Control content for different screen sizes using column classes and flex utilities
- Responsive Images
- Making images responsive with
- Handling images and media in a responsive layout
- Making images responsive with
- Visibility Utilities
- Hide/show elements based on screen size (
- Hide/show elements based on screen size (
- Practical Assignment 5:
- Build a Responsive Portfolio Website:
- Create sections like About, Projects, Contact
- Ensure the layout is responsive (stacked on small screens, horizontal on larger ones)
- Make use of responsive images and visibility utilities
- Build a Responsive Portfolio Website:
- Modals
- Use modals for dynamic content
- Customize modal headers, footers, and body
- Carousels
- Implement carousels (slideshow) with images, text, and buttons
- Offcanvas Navigation
- What is Offcanvas and how to implement sidebar navigation
- Make navigation mobile-friendly
- Bootstrap Icons
- Add and customize Bootstrap Icons
- Align icons within buttons and navbars
- Practical Assignment 6:
- Create a Responsive E-commerce Website:
- Build an e-commerce homepage with a product carousel, product cards, and an offcanvas sidebar
- Use a modal for product details
- Create a Responsive E-commerce Website:
- Create a Personal Website or Blog
- Include multiple pages like Home, About, Blog, and Contact
- Use navbar, cards, forms, modals, and responsive layouts throughout the project
- Deploying Your Website
- Learn how to deploy your Bootstrap-based website using platforms like GitHub Pages, Netlify, or Vercel
Skills covered in Web Development Course at e-Careerpluz
- Comprehensive introduction to frontend, backend, database, and an understanding of server-oriented data modeling.
- eCareerpluz covers a range of skills to equip students with the knowledge and abilities needed to create dynamic and interactive websites and web applications.
- Learn HTML and CSS, a front-end designing for building dynamic web applications (SPAs) with Javascript.
- Learn to Integrate MySQL with frontend configuration to create web applications with seamless data flow.
- Learn how to implement authentication and authorization mechanisms using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and other security best practices.
- Understanding the deployment and hosting options of Web Development applications on cloud platforms like as AWS.